Around the Grounds –
Canberra 2019

Pialligo Estate, December 1

Canberra, I love you! What a bloody brilliant bunch of individuals you are! With 38 weather patterns in one day there was a nervousness that anything could happen…and it did! Personally, I had one of the most enjoyable gigs I’ve had all year and it was purely down to the great attitude and positive reception from you guys! So many laughs, so many wonderful people. So, let’s get to some highlights.

Nikki Britton – wow, this lady proves time and time again why she is a comedic weapon on stage! So much energy, so much laughter. Nikki set the tone for a great day of laughs. She was also seen knocking off a bottle of Pialligo Riesling into her handbag on the way out, so for that she gets an extra vote from me! Love her. Nick Cody – new man to GoM but we will definitely see him again! Nick was in cracking form explaining to an audience full of licensed drivers how to indeed drive a vehicle from the viewpoint of a man, who in his 30s, is still on P Plates. He extended that knowledge of road craft to bicycles and it was hilarious. A brilliant set from the great man. Welcome to the team Nick!

There was a short break before Mez hit the stage and found a beautiful young couple Andre and Clare in the audience and publicly encouraged their possible engagement. There were tears all round, some of them from laughter, most of them from Andre figuring out how he was going to salvage his relationship. Anyway, not my problem now. Good luck lovers!

Becky Lucas was up first in the second bracket and explained to the audience different physical activities you can do whilst wearing a backpack. Let’s just say they were not sports-related! These activities were also something that Andre was probably not going to experience again before the end of the year by the look on Clare’s face! Dave Thornton rounded out the second bracket and had us in stitches. I love Thorno’s stand up – super funny and it makes me feel heaps better about not being a great father. Thorno also stole a bottle of wine in his handbag but unfortunately, it was from the Qantas lounge. The matter is now with the courts.

We had a ‘power break’ before the last bracket, which was, in fact, was just the same as a normal break but with the word ‘power’ in front of it. We gave away some prizes, and one winner, let’s call her Sorrel, was so excited that she threw her jacket in the air and it was blown by the wind onto the roof@ We all laughed at her misfortune, none harder than Sorrel!

Tom Ballard – geez this bloke is impressive. His social observations are cutting, broad and hilarious. He has the ability to poke fun at all ages and get entire generations to hate other generations whilst simultaneously despising their own. Bloody brilliant. He also talked about caravans during his set which for me is a massive bonus and was also well received well by the audience. Sadly, as a ‘lefty ABC type’ he will probably never be able to afford his own! An absolute powerhouse of stand up and also a wine thief too. “One of us, one of us!”

Canberra, seriously, you are and were fantastic. All the performers were raving about how good YOU were! Thanks a million to the team from Pialligo Estate for partnering with us on this event and the comedians for not getting blown off the stage.

Till next time Amigo’s! Mez.

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